This past week has FLOWN by. Part of it is due to the fact that I fell very far off the primal wagon Thanksgiving, then spent the next 5 days with a stomach bug. Or a carb bug. Whatever it was, I am just now starting to feel normal again.
One of my dearest friends had been battling uterine and cervical cancer. She had a check up about 2 weeks ago, and they found more cancer cells. Surgery was scheduled for the week before Christmas-she was not happy. But, she had to have a procedure last week, they did another biopsy, and voila! No cancer cells were found. She still has to have surgery, but now there is no panicky rush to get it done-she can wait till after the new year. Pretty happy about that.
I found not one but TWO jobs to apply for yesterday. Made me feel productive there for a minute.
I had my yearly (well for me, bi-yearly because I keep blowing them off) mammogram. I'm proud of myself for finally getting it over with. Ladies, check the ta-ta's!
And finally, we have a very busy weekend coming up. Hubbs is fixing my brakes Friday, taking a look at a friend's car Saturday, we're hanging Christmas lights (trying to keep Scrooge in check even though times are tough), and we have a family project to re-arrange the garage. Hubbs got another side job rebuilding an engine and we need to make room for the damn thing. He's been working his ass off between his full time job and any side job he can get. And all I do is bitch because I'm lonely and bored. Well, that's an exaggeration but that's how I feel. Poor pitiful Pearl.
Happy Thursday!