Monday, June 21, 2010

Monday, I thought I would hate you less

I was really looking forward to starting this week off with a new attitude. Alas, those hopes were thrown to the floor and smashed with a hammer when I realized my face is swollen AGAIN, which makes this the 3rd god damned time this year my sinus has been infected. I have never had a sinus infection in my life, and suddenly I have 3 in less than 6 months? WHAT. THE. FUCK. Still trying to stay positive. I think I'll give the old Neti Pot a try. If I can do that without puking maybe I won't need antibiotics.


Daughter was picked up Friday night. Still can't figure the mom out. Mentally ill? Drugs? I'm having her over for drinks Saturday, hopefully I can get some insight then.


My therapist is now on maternity leave, so I'm on my own until October. This should be interesting.....


Happy fucking Monday!

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