Sunday, December 27, 2009

Oh Christmas

Is feeling melancholy and sad always going to go hand in hand with Christmas or will those feelings fade?

My first thought when I woke up was-"I need to call my mom!"


My brother and his family came over, that was nice. We had some food, drank some beer, played a few games. I actually had a really good time.

Didn't hear from Oldest-not sure what to think about that. Hurt mainly.

Spent Saturday driving around with all the other crazy people in town trying to hit the sales-it actually wasn't too bad, we were in and out of Best Buy with surprising speed.

Took Youngest to spend some of his Christmas money, then finally did a little something for myself and bought new clothes. I actually really needed a moment to think of me.

All in all, I'm glad Christmas is over.

Now to get all this happy crappy Christmas shit out of the house.


Deirdre Bunny said...

I am a Christmas lover -- which does seem odd to me. I think its that for a few weeks, humanity is a little bit more of what it should always be. But when Christmas is done, I'm done with it. It depresses me to return to the normal humdrum of the rest of the year, as there's nothing to really look forward to but spring and summer, which I mostly detest.

Sorry about your son. I have that issue with my mom. Sometimes I think that if I never called her, we'd never speak again. It didn't used to be like that, but I can't help but wonder if its because I moved so far away, so long ago. 'Out of sight, out of mind' or whatever.

She would deny it up and down of course. I know she loves me and all, I just miss the closeness that existed when I was little.

Lula said...

You have a much better Christmas attitude than I do, that's good!

The kid-it seems he spends half the time mad at me for the parent I was, and half the time mad at me for the person I am. I can't win.