Monday, August 18, 2008


We had a very nice weekend. Hubbs had a great party, and Saturday we spent the day with my brother and his family. I love family days.

Saturday night, I decided to tie one on and thought it would be best if we slept at Brothers. As we were sitting and chatting, Youngest said "All you guys ever do is drink, smoke, and go to the bar."

Now, that isn't true. Obviously. But the fact that that is Youngest's perception of us-it makes me want to quit even more. So, I had zero cigarettes yesterday, and 3 so far today. That will be my smoking. The morning smoke will be the hardest to give up, so I'm starting with the evening.

We have beer in the house. I don't know how many, but it would make me very very happy if that beer is all the beer we have for, oh, I don't know-the next month?

Life isn't that bad. I do not need to be medicated to get through it. Besides, I'm charging everyone for each day I don't smoke. I've made $2.00 so far.

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