Monday, May 4, 2009

Poor Sleepy Girl....

I had quite the eventful weekend, and I'm sure paying for it today. I had to work a "buy local" event for a quick minute last Saturday-but I won the grand prize BEEF PACKAGE! Not sure just how much meat it is, but I think it's at least 100 pounds. Wow.

We had friends over for dinner last night, and that turned into a later evening then we had planned. Plus, alcohol on a Sunday is NEVER a good idea.

Too tired to work, think straight,blog, etc....

Have a wonderful Monday!


Deirdre Bunny said...

Is it me or does "Beef Package" strike up images other than sir loin?

Lula said...

Nope, it does me too! It doesnt help that I randomly burst out with "Meat Package!!!" every time it pops in my head!

Deirdre Bunny said...

There's more jokes in this somewhere, I just know it!

Lula said...

There is, it's hilarious....