Monday, January 26, 2009

Book Review

Frida's Bed by Slavenka Drakulic.

I LOVE the work of Frida Kahlo-I love how almost every painting tells a story. She painted her pain because she had to get it out- there is strength in the sharing, I think.

This book is fiction, told from Frida's point of view once she became confined to her bed. But you can almost believe the writer had some sort of inside track to Frida's mind.

My favorite line- "She would stand there, suddenly acutely aware of every item, of her every movement and breathe, of being present in her body, in the world. The certainty of her existence, if only briefly, that day, that moment, in that place, would be undeniable, vivid."

If you're a fan of her work, or even if you're not, this is a very interesting read.


Anonymous said...

I envy all the books you have read. It makes me want to start reading again. I love Frida Kahlo's work so I might have to check this one out.

Lula said...

I read a biography about her a while back- I can't remember the name, but it was fascinating. if I can dig up the name I'll pass it along.